Joys of Journaling
I never travel without my Journal. My preference is for wire bound. It sits nicely and allows you to write without having to press on the spine every few minutes. Journaling is a must, to keep the writing muscle flexed, stop the cogs from getting rusty.
I write in it most days, to clear the useless information I’ve accumulated, to sort out difficulties, to remember the good things that have happened.
I needed it badly when I collected my new glasses from Specsavers. It was their second attempt to ‘get my prescription right’ i.e. get me a pair of goggles that I could actually see with.
They didn’t get it right this time either. I mentioned that to them. They were not pleased, told me I would ‘get used to them’, that I would ‘have to make compromises’. What drove me to my journal was their parting ‘goodbye’, said through gritted teeth.
After that, I wandered about in a daze. I needed my journal to ‘sort myself out’ before I could function as ‘normal’ and drive home. I bought a cappuccino, took out my journal and allowed the words to flow - along with the tears. This is probably called ‘writing as therapy’. I highly recommend it.